
Reicha, Ravel & Beethoven

Ensemble Storstrøm opens the new season with a series of concerts that have the 250th birthday Beethoven as a recurring theme. At tonight's concert, he is put into perspective by Ravel and Anton Reicha. The concert is also the first with the new ensemble leader, Maj Kullberg at the helm. Anton Reicha: Quartet no. 3 in G major for flute and strings. Ravel: Introduction and Allegro (1905). Beethoven: Piano Quartet in E major, Op. 16.Ensemble Storstrøm. (KUMUS 11 September). Approx. 21.30 The cellist Maria Edlund, who is educated at the Jutland Conservatory of Music, plays Schnittke, Platti and Thorvaldsdottir.